Monday, September 22, 2014

Native American Names

My Native American Name:
Resting Owl- I was often very studious in middle school and always got good grades, even staying awake very late every night studying. I got very little sleep, spending a large amount of the weekends sleeping during the day, and becoming more active at night, much like an owl. In high school however, I feel like I'm "resting" now. I don't study as much as before, I don't get my amazing grades anymore, but I somehow feel more relaxed, presumably because I get more sleep. While I still feel like my knowledge is growing, I'm growing slower than the rate I was growing in the past, and I think that I might "wake up" again, but not just yet.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Technology Then and Now

 Shortly after the Civil War in the 1860's, the most advanced  technology available were railroads, telegraphs, and telephones. Now, in 2014 we've progressed much more, and eventually replaced railroads with subways, telegraphs with texting, and old-fashioned rotary phones with greatly improved cell phones.
A map of railroad tracks in 1865
The Shinkansen (a Japanese bullet train)

The worlds fastest manned plane: SR 71 

A telegraph

A morse code chart

Texting: The primary form of communication for most people

an antique rotary phone

The smartphones of today